Monday, October 27, 2008

What do you see? vs What do you think?

What do you see?
do the lines determine......
ones life and death?
do the lines determine......
ones past, present and future?
what do you think?
are fate and destiny.......
printed on the palm?


  1. Hi Venus!
    Nice introspection
    if you ask me..
    i see it in the lines printed on the palm...given that every line on earth and the universe is drawn by God's hands...
    and then may be he erase and redo...depending on our actions, what we Indians all Karma..
    thats me answer, when i pondered over this just a few years back....

  2. I pondered your questions and the answer seems to be "no".

  3. I don't see that at all. What do YOU see??

  4. Hi buddy, the science of palmistry says that our mind has direct impact in the line formation on our palms. The neurons send messages to the palms based on our mental conditions, thus lines are formed in specific patterns. I see too many chaotically formed lines indicate too much worries and mental agitations :). Believe it or not, choice is yours.

  5. do scars count? my left hand if full of them. :)

  6. a picture that shows the start and end of each line would help better...

  7. I would think if worry, stress etc can cause wrinkles then lines on our palms can also develop. Guess I'm with Cyclops on this one...

  8. Our past actions has some impressions on us. These lines reflect them. Whatever our past has been, if we start working now, our future is bound to be better.

  9. I too pondered over your questions and searching for answers:)

  10. I think the lines gives us character :)

    destiny and fate...only that character can build.

  11. Reading the comments here...
    i should say, feel like my parents took me to Lord Shiva at a time when he was at odds with Sri Parvathi, his Goddess...

    and in that anger, he just took my little hand and scored off all sorts of lines and scars...and with such force the palm finally tore off and now i have all those lines and the virtual stitching marks...

    Oh Lord, what WRONG did I my past janam (birth)!!

    can't help wondering!

    this post offers more to think Venus..
    'don't know why you came up with this'! ;-))


    Ellie -- will visit tomorrow..
    Certain Kind updated...Soc Pol in some time...

    Got your card y'day...but i had eye infection so didn't open..i'll open after i finish my work.

  12. Thank you so much friends for all those beautiful and kind words.
    I do not know myself, why I wrote that poem. As I was looking at my palm the words just came into my mind.
    I wonder how to react to all those words.
    I guess, i totally agree with cyclop.
    Thank you so much.
