Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When a relationship is not working, it is usually because there are needs and expectations that are not being met. There might be so much anger or hatred that your only desire might be just to run away from it all. However, this is not a solution! It merely reflects your lack of understanding about where the real problem lies.

The root of all needs and expectations is an unfulfilled spiritual desire. Satisfy your spiritual desires through the practice of meditation and you'll be able to interact successfully with anyone.No longer needy, you will enter into relationships simply to share and enjoy. There'll be no strings attached in the way you give of yourself; your love will be unconditional.

We must learn to bring spirituality into our relationships.Others will learn by our example. It's a way of inspiring and uplifting each other.

( Words of Dadi Janki taken from her book Companion of God )


  1. Very true.When you bring spiritual ballast in your life, things no nlonger are the same.But for ordinary mortals who have no spiritual bent life is a miserable when even minimum needs and expectations are not met.Relationships do nsuffer in the process

  2. well writer mary! being conscious also helps in a better way to understand our cause and attention.

  3. Nice to see you posting, :)

    Yes, spirituality helps....yet, there are things not meant to be....even when one needs nothing :)


  4. very very true.. go to a relationship only to give.. not to get..

  5. A Very Happy B'day, Venus...here too :)

